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Online Safety

Keeping Safe Online


At The Flourish Federation, we realise that children are growing in an increasingly digital world, and we work hard with each of our year groups to educate them on how to be good digital citizens. As you can imagine, issues arise - particularly where children access things that are not recommended for their age groups. However, we have a strong system in place to support both children and families in these matters, working closely with organisations to deliver workshops, with parents to provide tips and guidance in managing online situations, and with the children to help to teach them to avoid issues or, where they arise, to effectively deal with them.


Online Safety is rightly a key part of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) and we work hard to provide your children with the tools to protect themselves. Where concerns do arise, please be assured that we will work with you and your family, calling in expertise where necessary. 


If you do have an e-safety concern then please either speak to the safeguarding team (Gabby Gray is the e-safety DSL), or complete the form below and we will be in touch.

Within School


In school we touch on internet safety throughout all our lessons as it is crucial part of our lives. Internet safety is taught using both Purple Mash and within our RSE lessons using Jigsaw RSE.


How do we teach it? Some of the ways include:


Using 2Connect to create a class online safety concept map.

Using the blank comic template to create an online safety comic with our own characters.

Creating spoof webpages using the blank webpage template.

Creating a class presentation about online safety within the school.

Teachers use 2Respond Creator to create custom email simulations for pupils to practice writing emails for specific purposes and to different audiences.

Use of a class blog to help to develop writing for a specific purpose and to understand how to communicate effectively considering the purpose and audience of their message.


Jigsaw RSE offers a comprehensive framework which aims to broaden and support delivering online safety education. Please find a detailed breakdown of the coverage underneath. 



We understand that in this ever-evolving digital world, it is increasingly difficult for parents to stay fully in-touch - especially with regards to social media.


Hopefully, this page of the website will assist you in navigating this changing environment, offering support, advice and links to services and web addresses which are there to help to keep you and your children safe.  



During the Covid19 lockdowns, for many families daily routines changed, with online devices becoming more relevant than perhaps ever before.  Even post-pandemic, with many parents working  from home and with their own increased reliance on technology, we understand there may be more concern from parents about the safety of their children online.


It is important for children and young people to stay both connected and safe online. Remember to make use of parental controls and to talk with your children.


If you have downloaded new apps or bought new devices like web-cams or tablets, remember to adjust the privacy and security settings to suit you.


Parental controls put you in control of what your child can see. Internet Matters has step by step guides on how to set these up.


In the Junior School, where internet safety is perhaps more significant due to the increased nature of independently used technology, we have a rigorous programme of education to cover both e-safety and wellbeing, tailoring it to the specific needs of our cohorts - after all, the impact of the pandemic has shown itself to be different across each year group. We hope that this will give the children a firm and consistent platform upon which they can make sensible and kind decisions both online and off.

Another great resource for information on staying safe online is Google Internet Legends. It is an interactive game which children (and their adults) that raises awareness of possible risks online.

Infant Friendly Teaching


In the infant school we use some different resources to support our youngest learners. We use resources and support from Childnet to initiate discussion and support the teaching and learning around online safety.


E-Safety Contact Form
