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Community News & Fund Raising

Our community is simply amazing, and here is where we can show some of it off to you.


As a federation, we are well aware of the demands on parents financially and, whilst we do support a few charity events throughout the year, we try to keep it realistic and attempt to avoid asking for too many things. 


That is why this page exists.


People wanting to support others is an incredible thing and should be encouraged, and this page is all about linking you to charitable ventures that adults and children from our community are supporting. 


If you wish to put something up on here, please use the contact form at the bottom - or speak with one of us. With a bit of input from yourselves (photo and blurb), we will put something on this page and link it on ClassDojo, hopefully supporting by sharing it with our parents and carers - You can also always share the link on other social media platforms for more exposure.


Equally, if you have recently done something amazing in a charity-related way then we can help to celebrate this on this page to show how incredible you are!

UPDATE - Tallulah has had her hair cut! Please see the photo below to see how much she has had cut off. Well done Tallulah, great work and lots of money raised. 



Tallulah goes for the chop to help children with cancer!


Tallulah in Hippo class is going to cut at least 12inches of her beautiful hair off to give to children who have lost their hair through cancer. The charity she is doing this for is called Little Princess Trust. They use human hair to make wigs for children who have lost their hair through cancer and other illnesses. It can cost £550 just to make one wig! She will be getting it cut on 23rd March. Please donate as much or as little as you can, it is going to an amazing charity and Tallulah would be so proud if she can raise a lot of money.


Tilly helps to promote Deaf Awareness Week


One of our amazing pupils, Tilly, has made a video for the NHS - Kent Community Health, talking about her own early experience of hearing problems. Suffering with hearing issues when she was younger, Tilly is a really inspiring young lady, sharing her journey to support other's and promoting awareness. Well done, Tilly!


Click on the picture to access the video:


Raising money for Alzheimer's Society


Austin & Max's Nana is raising money for Alzheimer's Society by shaving her head (her iconic style!) You can donate to her Just Giving page below.

Raising Money for the National Autistic Society - completed!

On Sunday the 3rd of April, Jerry Evans will be cycling to raise awareness for autism!


Here is a link to her Just Giving page where you can find out more:

Congratulations to our Lollipop Lady, Alison Bentley, for being the Green School Award Overall Kent Road Crossing Patrol Champion 2021
