Term 3 Part 2!
Another term under our belt. We officially only have 3 terms of our primary journey left! The last half of the term has been a busy one. We have enjoyed lots of visits and guest speakers and different events going on, including Science week. Take a look at us in action.
Term 3. First half!
We have had a busy first half of the term, which all kicked off with Mr Berry, and lots of electricity! We have had our SATs tests, had some excellent gymnastics, created our own PE games outside, learnt ratio and percentages and delved into natural disasters. Here's hoping the second half of the term is equally as fantastic.
End of Term 2
What a term we have had. 'Make do and Mend' in DT has been a huge success and we really have managed to repurpose some old clothing into brilliant new items. We have had fun with Bhangra dancing and football skills in PE. Learnt all about WW2 from the Holocaust to The Blitz and Evacuees. We have created factfiles on blood, healthy bodies and made a quiz to secure this learning.
English has seen us converting measures and moving on to decimals and we have written Christmas poems and stories with a character flaw in English.
Middle of Term 2.
We have:
Term 2
Week 1 & 2
We have had a really busy first couple of weeks of Term 2. We have made 'blood' in Science, attempted to make 3d circulatory systems and produced some amazing homework on the same. We have been collecting clothes to begin our 'Make do and Mend' theme in DT. In PE we have been getting in the groove with some dance moves and perfecting our football skills.
Busy Year 6s in action, please take a look at our gymnastics photos below. We practised counter balances in some very precarious positions!
In Science, we researched fossils and created a comic strip of how fossils are created over time.
October 2024
Kicked off October with some Hockey in PE.
In science, we pretended we were finches with beaks adapted to different food sources. We noticed how they have had to adapt to survive their environment.
In Art, we recreated David Hockney's 'Parents' painting. His sold for millions, how much do you think ours are worth?
We tea stained some paper in History so that we could write a letter as a WW1 soldier in the trenches.
Have a look at us in action.
September 2024
Welcome to year 6!
We have had a brilliant start to our new academic year and it has been great to get to know the children.
Here is what we have been up to so far:
- smashed our place value topic in maths
- got to know our model text in English and have looked at real life newspapers
- in science, we have begun our topic of ‘evolution and inheritance.’ We used Mr Men and Little Miss to help us with inheritance and we hunted for worms on the playground to extend our knowledge of adaptation
- in art, we have designed our sketch book front covers and learnt a bit about David Hockney
- in PE, we got creative and made our own activities on the field