Our Writing lead is Miss Smith. If you have any questions about Writing, please contact her via the school office.
We have our own targets for our writing and we always look to better our own work realising that we all work and learn how to write at different times. Our teachers encourage us and we are expected to learn new spellings at home as well as learning new poetry every two weeks in order for us to have a store of words to use.
At Brookfield we use a font with lead outs to get children ready for joining.
If you would like to see examples of how we form letters and start to join up please speak to your class teacher. They will be happy to give you a copy of our examples.
In Year 1 and 2 we encourage neater handwriting by giving out handwriting certificates. These are given whenever an improvement is seen. Your child can collect a new certificate each time they improve their handwriting and make it neater!
In year 2 children can also work towards their Pen Licences. These are awarded when children have consistently neat, joined handwriting, spell and punctuate carefully and take care over the overall presentation of their work.