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Year 4 - Snow Leopard & Spider Monkey

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Snow Leopard and Spider Monkey



Y4 Spellings Term 3 Group 1

Fortnight ended 13.12.24

We used our knowledge of electrical circuits to make light up LED Christmas cards! 
We have been hard at work, rehearsing for our Carol concert and have been designing biscuits in DT.

We have written our own Christmas poems to perform in the concert. We attended the Carols on the Playground event and we have been "defeating the monster" in our English writing lessons. 

Maths has been a continuation of our multiplication and division unit. 


Fortnight ended 29.11.24


  • We have created electrical circuits and tested electrical conductors and insulators.
  • in Geography we created different mountains out of play dough.


Term Two
Fortnight ended 15.11.24


  • We have learned about Remembrance day and explored war poetry, culminating in a wonderful display in the hall of our haikus and wartime silhouette art.  We paid our respects with a two minute silence. 
  • We have also commenced our study of mountains in geography, electricity in science and are learning about Hindu traditions in RE. 

Wartime art gallery

Fortnight ended 11.10.24


  • We have continued our human body learning and explored the digestive system by making a model of the intestine out of tights.  
  • We have been using the column method to add and subtract up to four digit numbers with two exchanges. We have written our own wishing tales and learnt about speech punctuation. 
  • We have been looking at effective searching in Computing and making silhouette puppet shows in art. 

Science - Digestive system experiment

Fortnight ended 30.09.24

  •  We have been learning about the Ancient Greeks and looking at how they influenced modern day. 
  • We made tin foil models of Olympic competitors and talked about the similarities and differences between the games now and then. 
  • In science, we have been investigating the effects of stomach acid and what happens to food on the journey through the gut. 


History - Creating Ancient Greek competitors in the Olympics

Making teeth from plasticine

Welcome to Year 4!

What a fab start to the year we have had.


Term 1

  • This week we have commenced our science unit by looking at teeth. We have learnt the different types of teeth and examined our teeth using mirrors. We have also learnt how to keep our teeth healthy by brushing them, and what a tooth is made up of. 
  • We started our learning about the Ancient Greeks by examining artefacts and talking about primary and secondary sources.
  • We have been looking at numbers up to 10,000 in maths and we have been learning all about biographies in English. 
  • We sung Mama Mia in music and composed songs using glockenspiels. 
  • PE this term is swimming and gymnastics for Spider Monkeys and hockey and gymnastics for Snow Leopards. 