At the Flourish Federation, it is our intent to develop the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society and the global community. We provide them with the fundamental building blocks and characteristics to create positive relationships, with the capability to embrace new challenges and unfamiliar situations with confidence and understanding. We share a united vision to equip children with the understanding of how they, and others, fit into and contribute to the world, celebrating uniqueness and diversity, informed by their cultural capital.
As a Federation, we understand that good relationships, respect and empathy are fundamental to success in being a positive global citizen. We understand the importance of RSE being lifelong learning, helping children to navigate the complex world of relationships, emotions, looking after themselves, different families, sex, sexuality and sexual health. We aim for the children in our school to acquire the appropriate knowledge, develop their skills and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes that will support them throughout their lives.
In teaching PSHE and RSE, we follow the Jigsaw scheme of work across the whole federation. This supports consistency in approach and ensures that all teachers have a secure understanding of what has been taught, that vocabulary is taught in an appropriate sequence, and supporting the next steps for the teachers - empowering them to teach an effective curriculum and also giving them the confidence in managing difficult conversations.
Intent from Jigsaw: Jigsaw holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw 3-11 properly equips schools to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole-school approach. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus and self-regulation.
Due to copywrite law, we do not hold publicly-accessible versions of our RSE progression on the website, therefore this only contains coverage and vocabulary.