- Gain an awareness of their growth from a baby to a child and understand that they will continue to grow in the future
- Understand the passing of times throughout the year focusing on day and months as well as the visual timetable for the day
- Understand the language of past and future
- Sequence events from familiar stories e.g. through our Talk For Writing approach
- Gain an understanding of the future and upcoming events e.g. through the whole-school timeline.
- Gain an understanding of cultural and religious events and plan for these events e.g. Christmas and being involved in the Christmas production, alongside discussing other religious events that peers experience (Hannukah, Diwali, Ramadan/Eid).
Historical Knowledge (Significant Figures and Events):
- Know significant figures (e.g. Jesus, Guy Fawkes, Neil Armstrong) were born and lived a long time ago when life was different to today,
- Compare different aspects of life between The Nativity Story and life today focusing on transport (donkeys) and inventions such as electricity (the star, candlelight),
- Can talk about some of the significant events within my life and from the past (e.g. my birthday, when I first went on holiday, Remembrance Day, Bonfire Night Christmas Day) and compare my experiences to my peers'
- Know about the significance of key individuals e.g. police, nurses and firemen and their influence on their life today focusing on their importance within the Covid Pandemic
- Recognise that peoples' lives would have been different to their own (e.g. Nativity Story, Remembrance Day) focusing on daily life
In EYFS, Topics are chosen and explored based on the children's interests.
Above you will find a focus on About Me in Term 1 which is all about the children discussing their lives since they have been born!
Below are some books that may elicit discussion about this and also allow the children to compare their life to somebody else's:
My Two Grannies : Benjamin, Floella, Chamberlain, Margaret: Books
A House That Once Was : Fogliano, Julie, Smith, Lane: Books
The Name Jar : Choi, Yangsook, Choi, Yangsook: Books
In Term 2, children will explore celebrations and what other people believe in different religions which allows them to discuss their own life and listen to their peers and what they celebrate whilst also joining into whole school celebrations such as Bonfire Night and Christmas, should they choose to.
You may notice there is no Term 3 "Understanding The World" as this comes under Light and Dark, a more Science focused Topic.
Term 4 is when children explore Transport in EYFS with maps in the outdoor areas, comparing Transport we have now and Transport in the past.
Term 5 is when children explore the topic of Animals which also allows them to join in with our whole school around the world week, focusing on a Non-EU country such as Brazil. At this stage, children are able to experience, recognise similarities and differences between where they live and another country inc, environments, animals and food/traditions.
Term 6 is Dinosaurs where the children get a very special visitor and a workshop all about fossils and dinosaurs!
Throughout the year, EYFS also take part in our Around The World Week which has a Geography focus for KS1 and a focus on one continent for EYFS.