Virtual Library
Click on the image to access the Brookfield Junior School Virtual Library. A great tool to listen to audio books - there are even some extracts that the teachers have read!
Prompts and Questions to Support Reading at Home
The following document has a range of questions to support your child with their reading comprehension at home. They will be familiar with the language used within these questions as we use them as part of our whole-class guided reading lessons, interventions and 1:1 reading sessions.
Recommended Reads
Are you struggling to find a book your child will enjoy reading? Speak to your child's class teacher as they will be able to offer advice! Our school library is also open every break and lunch time for children to explore texts and ask for guidance.
We've also created a list of recommended reads for Years 3-6 filled with fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Click on the images below and hover over the titles; this will direct you to an Amazon link with the book. Some of these texts we already have in school - just ask your child to speak to their class teacher to find them.
Book Recommendations
Miss Chinnappa - What's your favourite book?
It has to be A Series Of Unfortunate Events from me- ALL OF THEM! The first 7 have a repetitive yet engaging pattern, allowing you to get to know characters and structure and then Lemony Snicket changes this and you realise that all you know is not so, and you dive deeper into the Baudelaire's unfortunate lives and become part of their misfortunes!
Oliver (Year 6) - Recent book review
Amulet by Kazu Kibuishi
When I first got the book, I thought it was going to start off slow but I really got into it after the first few pages. My favourite part was when the characters entered the gauntlet because it was the most dangerous part in the book and I felt like I was transported with them!
It is the quickest time I’ve ever read a story and I know that there are more books in the Amulet series so I would want to read them too. I have read other graphic novels too like Bunny vs Monkey, and although that one was really funny, I liked the adventure in Amulet.
Mrs Jones - What's your favourite book?
I have found it really hard to choose only one book!
One of my favourites is Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell as it is a beautifully written adventure story with exciting rooftop escapades. I love the wonderfully eccentric life the main characters lead, and their affection for each other in unusual circumstances.
Amazon Wishlist
We have an amazing library! It really is fantastic. However, like so many school libraries, it holds a large number of somewhat outdated books (Atlases with countries that don't even exist under the same name, computer books that cite the digital age as being a BBC Micro with an old-style hard disk) along with others that have been borrowed so many times that they are falling apart.
We are putting a substantial amount of money (regularly) towards new books to engage the children but school budgets are not what they used to be. If you wish to contribute to the gift of reading at Brookfield Junior School, we have created this Amazon Wishlist.
If you use this, please do put your name on the order notes so that we can credit you for the donation with the date on the inside page - that way we will always remember your contribution.
Please click on the picture of the library to access the wish list.