Environment Council
The Environment Council is in charge of making sure our school environment - which includes the school building, playground and local area - is a positive place for all. We're also going to be exploring how we can support environmental issues by becoming more eco-friendly.
Term 3
In today's School Council meeting, we discussed our assembly to the rest of the school and the structure of our PowerPoint slides. Two of our Year 6 School Council representatives also shared what they'd written for the Curriculum Council's school newspaper.
The Environment Council have been tasked with a new 'bin' project linked to food waste. We will be introducing food waste bins in the school so the children have been asked to create posters. They will also be leading an assembly to the rest of the school. The children also previously asked to plant trees with Tania at Forest School. After discussion with Tania, we have organised a date for them to take part on 3/2/25.
See our minutes for more information!
Term 2
The Environment Council completed their homework linked to recycling at Brookfield and how we can achieve this. They shared their ideas and we created a plan we need to share with Mr South. See our minutes for everything we disucssed!
In today's meeting, we discussed one of the points raised at the start of the year about recycling around the school and making children more aware of recycling. The children have been tasked with completing a piece of homework linked to this. See our minutes for more information!
Term 1
In today's school council meeting, we discussed the Buddy Bus Stop with the Wellbeing council and decided on whether we wanted a bench, a swing sign or an actual bus stop! See our minutes for more information.
Our Environment Council representatives have already been hard at work discussing our school environment and how we can improve this. See our meeting's minutes below to see what was spoken about.
Term 4
Today we created some posters to be used around the Outdoor Classroom to remind children of the rules.
We also created a questionnaire for the children to use to ask their classes about what improvements could be made:
Term 3
Today we discussed the outdoor classroom. We talked about some of the rules that we should be following -
We created a timetable for the school council to monitor tidying up over the next 2 weeks.
Term 2
During this meeting, we had a look at all the lunch suggestions that children had added to the box. Some were a little ambitious (McDonalds, sushi and calamari)! However, we enjoyed looking through them and working out which were the most popular.
We shared briefly in an assembly our findings from the suggestion box and explained to the children some of the food that they weren't aware were on the menu. We have suggested that as a class they go through the menu to remind them what their is each week.
The children wrote a letter sharing our findings to the school kitchen. See below.
Dear Flourish Food,
As the school’s environment council, we have been looking at opportunities to include pupil voice in our everyday school life. If you wouldn’t mind, we have gathered a number of suggestions for school lunches that we would like to share with you which may increase the amount of children choosing school dinners over packed lunches.
The two most popular dinner suggestions were chicken nuggets and paninis. We hope that you could incorporate these into the menu at some point. Another common request was for there to be a cold lunch option such as sandwiches and crisps.
There were also a few additional suggestions by children:
• Noodles
• Tacos
• Nachos
• Chicken burger
• Pizza rolls
• Different pizza toppings such as pineapple
Thank you for taking your time to read this letter and we hope that some of ideas could make it to the menu.
Yours faithfully
The Environment Council
Term 1
Our new Environment Council have already been hard at work this term. Firstly, they had to propose to their classes why they'd be a good representative. Then, children voted on who they believed would be the best candidate.
The children have already been sharing their suggestions such as ensuring there are more bins around the playground to stop littering; ensuring there are litter pickers available for children that would like to do this job; and recycling more within our school.
Following our Environment Council meeting, we made a suggestion box and slips and discussed this with the rest of the school in assembly.
Term 6
The Environment Council have worked extremely hard over the past year and should be proud of all of their achievements! Our final project was to share responsibilities around the school to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to take on different jobs. We discussed our ideas and worked together to create a timetable that can be shared in the new academic year.
Term 5
This term, we continued to discuss our outdoor zones by writing letters to local companies and drafting dojo posts for parents. The children were tasked with going back to their classes and asking for items for our outdoor zones. You can see the letter the children wrote below:
Dear Sir or Madam,
Our Environment Council are looking to improve our break and lunchtimes with additional equipment and to make our school day more enjoyable. This includes: crates, tyres, gardening equipment (plant pots), storage equipment. We would be grateful for any donations that you would be able to offer us.
We look forward to hearing back from you and are grateful for any donations.
Yours faithfully,
Brookfield Junior School – Environment Council
Dear Parents,
We are working hard on a new project to provide the students at Brookfield Junior School with more equipment during break times and lunch times.
We would be grateful for the following donations:
Term 4
9th March 2023
What an exciting School Council meeting! The Environment Council met today to discuss breaktimes and lunchtimes and what we can do in the outdoor zones. As always, the children came up with brilliant ideas.
Term 3
3rd February 2023
Our banners arrived today! The environment council were so excited to see their banners that will be placed at the front of the school to encourage people to turn their engines off.
Next step:
Deliver a whole school assembly to showcase our banners and explain this issue to the rest of the school.
20th January 2023
We've begun this term by looking at the posters we created last term to compare our designs and create a shared online banner that can be printed. This will help us with our mission to protect the local environment and promote cleaner air.
Term 2
25th November 2022
In today's Environment Council meeting, we met with Miss Chinnappa to discuss the air-quality issues in our local area.
3rd November 2022
We were very proud to officially open our new Outdoor Classroom and Trim Trail - Tracey Crouch, our local MP, came by to do the honour of cutting the ribbon. This was developed in partnership with the school council last year and we are very excited to use it over the year - when the weather is a bit nicer.
Over time, and weather permitting, we hope that this can be an extension of our playground Zone system and act as a quiet area for reading, calm and mindfulness.
We hope that this goes to show that the council really can influence our environment in big and impactful ways.
7th October 2022
This week, the environment council have been creating posters to bring awareness to air pollution within our local area. Next week, the children will be continuing with their posters as we will be enlarging these and attaching them to the school gates.
Term 1