UK Place Knowledge:
- Gain a knowledge of what a home is and understand that others have different homes.
- Name features in the school building and grounds
- Recognise favourite places within the local area and gain an understanding of the vocabulary near and far
- Gain an understanding of the four seasons, the changes associated with this and how this impact on them
- Identify the school that they attend and recognise that this is in Larkfield/Aylesford
- Identify where they live
- Recognise different types of weather and relate these to the seasons
- Experience a local walk (e.g. to the firestation) and name the features in the local area
- Identify the changes in seasons recognising the changes that happen in the local environment
- Compare the local wildlife with wildlife and environments in other countries (e.g. in Around The World Week - Term 5)
Understanding the Wider World:
- Compare the local environment with the environments in story books focusing on different journeys and what a journey is
- Through the contexts of the books noted below 👇 recognise the similarities and differences between lives of children around the world and their own focusing on different cultures.
- Gain an awareness of their own culture and be able to compare this to others
- Gain an awareness of an extreme environment (e.g. Brazil and its Rainforests - Around The World week) and its features comparing it to the local environment
In EYFS, Topics are chosen and explored based on the children's interests.
Above you will find a focus on About Me in Term 1 which is all about the children discussing their lives since they have been born!
Below are some books that may elicit discussion about this and also allow the children to compare their life to somebody else's:
My Two Grannies : Benjamin, Floella, Chamberlain, Margaret: Books
A House That Once Was : Fogliano, Julie, Smith, Lane: Books
The Name Jar : Choi, Yangsook, Choi, Yangsook: Books
In Term 2, children will explore celebrations and what other people believe in different religions which allows them to discuss their own life and listen to their peers and what they celebrate whilst also joining into whole school celebrations such as Bonfire Night and Christmas, should they choose to.
You may notice there is no Term 3 "Understanding The World" Big Think Question Powerpoint as this comes under Light and Dark, a more Science/The Natural World focused Topic.
Term 4 is when children explore Transport in EYFS with maps in the outdoor areas, comparing Transport we have now and Transport in the past.
Term 5 is when children explore the topic of Animals which also allows them to join in with our whole school around the world week, focusing on a Non-EU country such as Brazil. At this stage, children are able to experience, recognise similarities and differences between where they live and another country inc, environments, animals and food/traditions.
Term 6 is Dinosaurs where the children get a very special visitor and a workshop all about fossils and dinosaurs!
Throughout the year, EYFS also take part in our Around The World Week which has a Geography focus for KS1 and a focus on one continent for EYFS.