At the Flourish Federation, we intend to prepare our children for lifelong learning. Our curriculum is designed around our pupils with a range of hands-on, vibrant learning experiences which is ambitious for all learners; this aims to make their time here memorable, supporting them to achieve their very best in all respects.
We understand our pupils’ needs and their cultural capital. They learn about the community around them – their home, their town and the wider world - supporting their development, providing the ability and confidence to take opportunities and make positive choices about their own futures and interests. This directs and empowers staff towards creating a bespoke, relevant curriculum for our little people. In turn, we believe that this provides them with the opportunities to become successful and valued members of modern British society, prepared for the challenges that life throws their way.
Through establishing an environment which best supports the inclusion of all, we will ensure that every child succeeds – academically and holistically - with access to a carefully sequenced broad & balanced curriculum. This will give our pupils the opportunity to develop the essential knowledge, vocabulary, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for all future learning, ready for life-long success.
Our subjects are carefully organised to follow the aims of the National Curriculum in logical progressions, adapting where necessary to the needs and interests of the children, for example identifying areas within PSHE & RSE that are relevant to a particular cohort's cultural capital.
Bespoke progression documents, accompanied by structured vocabulary lists, ensure that children have access to a language-rich school culture, enabling to them to express and present their learning and emotions effectively.
Teachers work collaboratively, delivering learning through immersive experiences and planning that puts an emphasis on this, allowing all children to succeed regardless of starting points and being fully inclusive of all. These experiences, along with our focus on learning behaviours, teach the children in a physical and practical manner, building resilience and creating life-skills and memories that the children will take forward with them and call upon as they grow up.