Our Phonic lead is Mrs Guyton. If you have any questions about Phonics, please contact her via the school office.
At Brookfield we follow the Little Wandle Revised Letters & Sounds Program to teach phonics. We teach phonics through a daily morning session (9.00-9.20). Children also learn new or tricky words during during daily literacy lessons. Different sounds are also focused on during guided reading activities and individual reading groups. Any children who may need a little extra help learning their sounds come along to our phonic Keep-up sessions just before lunch where the class teacher works closely with a smaller group. A small number of children may require 1:1 sessions to support their phonic Keep-up. If your child is receiving additional phonic support, their class teacher will let you know.
All teachers integrate phonic teaching throughout the day, highlighting new or familiar sounds as the class come across them. Each classroom has a sound chart displayed with different spelling rules (depending on the age group) to aid children in their daily learning.
Phonics are taught through teacher directed tasks, practical hands on games, ICT games/ learning and group work through the school day in addition to the whole class daily session.
As children move into year 2 they start the No Nonsense Spelling Programme which helps support the teaching and learning of more advanced spelling patterns. This programme is used throughout the juniors too. Any children who move to year 3 still needing phonic support will have the Little Wandle Keep up group sessions and there will be a very structure plan in place to help them catch-up.
The videos and documents below are designed to explain how we teach our children phonics and to support parents.