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Year 5 - Polar Bear & Sea Lion

Welcome to Year 5: Sea Lion and Polar Bear

Spellings - term 3

Fortnight beginning 2nd December 2024

Over the last two weeks we have been writing and publishing a chapter of our book 'Floodland' by Marcus Sedgwick, but we have been looking at it from another characters perspective. In maths we have been working on adding and subtracting fractions. In history we have looked at the end of the Viking era and created an Anglo-Saxon and Viking Timeline. During design technology, we had a day to create our Viking Long ships. We used measuring, cutting and gluing skill to pull our designs together.

Fortnight beginning 18th November 2024

Over the last two weeks we have been reading 'Floodland' by Marcus Sedgwick, we have been using visualisation to sketch and describe the setting, discussing the actions of the characters and planning our own chapter from another characters view point. In maths, we have continued to learn about fractions by recognising equivalent fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and ordering and comparing. During RSE we have been finding out how name calling and rumours can escalate.



Fortnight beginning 4th November 2024

We have been extremely busy for the first two weeks of term 2! We started with a focus on Remembrance: we discussed the meaning of Remembrance and poppies, created blackout poetry using 'In Flanders Fields' and made fabric poppies inspired by our learning last term about Colleen Atwood.

We then immersed ourselves in the world of physics and forces with Mr Berry. We investigated parachutes, ramps and even the speed of boats. It was a fantastic day and the children behaved very well.

Spellings - term 2

Fortnight Beginning 14th October 2024

For the last two weeks we have been discussing why some people believe God exists. In French, we have been learning the vocabulary for our monster pets. We have also explored prime, square and cube numbers in maths and the language of multiples and factors. For our final RSE lesson this term, we discovered the importance of teamwork in an exciting tower challenge.

Fortnight Beginning 30th September 2024

For the last two weeks we have been learning in science about time zones and why we have night and day. We have been learning rock and roll inspired moves in PE including hand jive, spins and steps. We have been coding in computing lessons, trying to simplify code. In art we have been perfecting our final costume designs. 

Fortnight Beginning 16th September 2024

Over the last two weeks we have had so much fun. The fortnight started with a Viking Day, we dressed up and had our faces painted with warrior paint. We found out about the lives of the Vikings, tried weaving, making clay pots and created herbal remedies. In English we continued our information texts and wrote some creative pieces on a fictional character. We have also enjoyed learning to sing a Queen classic.

Fortnight Beginning 3rd September 2024

We have had a very busy first fortnight back at school. Over the last two weeks we have been learning about the key features of information texts, studying place value in numbers up to 1,000,000 in maths, discovering all about space and planets in science and exploring the costume designer Colleen Atwood in art. 

Spellings- Term 1
